Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Art of Negotiation

“It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”

My female human had read that out loud just a few days ago.

One evening a few days ago, I was lounging, when all of a sudden, in the corner of my eye, I saw movement. I quickly turned and was just about to pounce……….. when I came face to face with a young mouse.

The look of shear terror on his little face stopped me in my tracks!

I looked at this tiny thing and realized how young he was. He could not be more than a few months old.

Feigning indifference, I started to wash myself.

“Well, little one,” I asked, “What is a mouse like you doing in my house …eh, I mean, my apartment?

“I… I…” stuttered the little mouse, shivering, “I am looking for adventure!” He blurted out.

“Adventure, huh! I can give you that” I whispered. “Do you know what a well oiled feline hunter, like myself does?

The little mouse nodded his head. “ My parents told me!”

“ So you know that the job of a feline like myself is to chase you and kill you! That is what my humans expect!”

“Oh,” said the little mouse as he rung his front paws together nervously, ”Oh”

I squinted my eyes and looked at the mouse. “See now that is adventure!”

I watched as the little mouse squirmed.

“But,” I said, as I licked my paws, “I could be convinced to make an exception.” I lifted one of my eye-brows and looked at the mouse again.

“But” I said as I rubbed my chin, “We need to plan this. My humans need to think that I’ve graduated to a mouser. You need to come out when they are home. Then I chase you and you have to pretend to be scared.

“No problem” hick-upped the mouse, “I am scared”

“Then you run away to hide. We need to do this a few times so that my humans will think I’ve done a good job and caught a few of your sort. Then after a few weeks, we do the major production. I catch you and you pretend to be dead. I’ll let you go under the cabinet. That is when you run for your life and never come back again. Then the humans will think I killed you. You are safe, and I get the title of mouser. What’ya think?”

The mouse nodded his little head.

I stuck out my paw to shake his tiny one.

“Deal! What is your name anyway?”

“Charlie, said the mouse”

A few nights later, Charlie bravely walked out onto the living room floor. My humans were very surprised and I jumped up and ran towards him. Charlie froze. “Run,” I hissed under my breath, “Run,” Charlie ran and I pretended to catch him. Poor Charlie fainted and I gently laid him on the floor under the armour. I went to check on him a few minutes later and he was gone.

We repeated this performance for a few weeks. I got a lot of praise from my humans, Charlie got his adventure and I graduated to mouser. All and all, a win –win situation.

On the last night that we were to do our performance, Charlie walked out onto the living room floor once again and I pounce on him. Then, Charlie started running as if his life depended on it. When he got to a hole in the wall, he stopped, turned around and winked at me. With a “thumbs up”, he turned and sauntered off. As per our agreement, Charlie never came back again. A win-win negotiation…………… or was it? I miss the little fella.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A day in the life of

I have to apologize to the followers of my blog. I haven’t had a chance to write anything until now. I’ve had a very busy spring, summer and fall. I was busy getting to know my canine sister.

The game “catch me if you can” never gets old. We play it everyday. We run around and try to catch each other! I get more exercise now. Now that my canine sister-Rosie is getting bigger it’s even more fun. I start with tapping her on the cheek. I sometimes get my nails caught in her long curls and then we dance around the apartment for a while.

Once I pull my nails loose, I run away and she tries to catch me. But, with my small body, I can hide under the couch, or armour where only her nose fits.

I have to admit though, she does catch me sometimes and then with her great big paw she gives me a playful tap on my head or belly. I giggle and roll around. Then I nip at her heels and we start all over again.

We have also taught each other a thing or two. That would not have happened, had we not lived together. We would not have learnt form each other. Remember we are made from a different cloth altogether. Sloppy canine- elegant feline. But I have to admit, having a canine sister is not so bad after all. Actually it can be quite useful! And, very entertaining.

Rosie has taught me to beg! I watch her and I have to admit, she is good. She stares the humans down, cocks her head, gives a paw and opens her mouth in a silly grin. She is really cut and more times than not does she gets what she wants. She also puts her paw into her empty dish and throws it upside down to tell our human that she needs water of food. I did that one time and…… it worked like a charm. My female human came running and gave me a treat while she talked to me in a soft apologetic voice! Amazing!

I’ve taught her to be a bit more finicky with her food. If it is to dry, I’ve taught her to just sit in front of her bowl and look up to our human with sad eyes. And…our female human will go get some more of her favorite food and add it to her bowl. Totally awesome!

The days are full with fun and games! Even though I still take the time to take naps and watch the birds outside.

At the end of a busy day, we both find a place to rest and relax. Once in a while, Rosie comes and gives me a big, slobbery lick up the side of my head. Ah well, she is still an uncouth puppy, but she is my uncouth puppy and my BFF.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My new BFF

It has been a few months since my birthday party. Life is great! I get to sit on the window sill and watch the action outside. More birds are fluttering around, little babies with the mama birds. It is all very exciting. I enjoy the quiet life of lounging, eating, napping and bird-watching.

Just around the time of my birthday, my humans started talking to me about a new companion. “Oh,” I thought, getting quite excited. “Another feline around the apartment. How cool is that!”

But then, my female human started to talk to me about a “Canine Sister”. What were my humans thinking? A canine? Man, they are soooo uncouth! Mind you, I have only met a few of these canines but they all seemed sloppy.

And my humans started talking about a sister! A sister? Canines are made of a different cloth altogether! We are not of the same family!

We felines are dignified, sophisticated and aloof. But canines! They have a sloppy tongue that hangs out of their months a lot. They use it for all sorts of, well, …….dog-stuff. We felines are elegant and use our tongues to wash ourselves properly and at times we could be convinced to give a “kiss” to our humans.

Then the big day came.My new canine sister arrived at my apartment. With her tongue sloppily hanging out of her mouth (what did I tell you), she wandered into my precious domain- my apartment.

I followed her around to make sure she wasn’t going to do something dog-like- not in my apartment. She just wandered and wandered.

When she sat down, finally, I had the chance to look at her. She seemed harmless enough. And that was my undoing. We ended up greeting each other nose to nose. We started playing a game of catch me if you can.

I have to tell you, having a sister-a canine isn’t so bad. We’ve been very busy playing catch me if you can, roll me over and swat the tale of the canine.

I think, I will have a canine BFF!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Birthday Celebration

Yesterday was my Birthday! I apparently turned 1 year old!

Both my humans were wearing colourful, silly pointed hats with “Happy Birthday” written on them. They hugged me and sang Happy Birthday to me, while I sat perched on the window sill wearing a silly hat as well. I could not help but sport a goofy grin.

Birthdays seem to be a human type of special day that I find very amusing.

All and all, the humans I’ve adopted are sweet even though they are a bit eccentric at times.

They presented me with a gift, a ball that I have been playing with all day long. And, they even had a “birthday cake” for me. They brought out a bowl with a special treat of sardines. With one candle stuck right in the middle. Mmmm, sardines! My total favourite food of all time! I can get used to the tradition of the “Birthday” celebrations.

My feline friends and I sometimes gossip about our adopted humans. Some are as lucky as I am, other felines have not been so lucky with their adoption. Somewhere along the line they didn’t get the correct human. They seem to be harder to train and don’t handle my feline friends very well.

I always advise my fellow felines to go along with their humans. Especially if the humans they’ve adopted spoil them. Sometimes a cat’s got to compromise. Yes, I realize that it totally goes against the grain of our personalities but, when your adorable humans do something funny, you just play along, no matter how silly you think it is. Your humans mean well I tell my fellow felines. Humour them!

Anyway, I digress ……………………..

My birthday, when I was not interrupted by loving hugs was actually very busy. I was playing with my new colourful ball, taking naps in the sun and figuring out where I stashed my other toys.

At the end of a busy and tiring day, I went to sleep on my special chair. Dozing off, I thought back on the day’s events. With a goofy grin I thought about how my humans, quirky as they are, treated me sooooo special. My thoughts wandered back to the day I adopted them. Man, I certainly did a great job

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Snow

Happy New Year to all my friends; humans and felines alike. My attention was else where for a while. I have been absorbed in one big event over the last few weeks.

SNOW! It snowed! It is so beautiful. Wow, I really enjoy watching the snow from my window. Sitting on the warm radiator I look out and start purring as I think back to the first time I saw snow. I was very excited and leaned out of the window to try to catch the flakes.

It was so picturesque. The snow quietly covered the green grass until it was green no more. It covered the tops of the cars and the roofs of the houses. It covered the branches in the trees and the grey streets. It was magic. Everything turned white!

And then, the street lights came on, and the world started to sparkle……… like little diamonds. A cat could get used to such beauty.

The white flakes covered every surface and I could see the dark-haired squirrels and fat birds much better. Mmmmm, my eyes darted back and forth and my tail started to sweep back and forth as well; this was exhilarating. I dashed from one window to the other – my excitement grew!

Oops, there goes a plant. Because I‘m still young, my co-ordination skills are sometimes lacking.

One day, when it had snowed a lot, I told my female human how wonderful I thought it all was. She smiled and asked me if I wanted to play in it. Naïve as I was, I nodded. I could not utter a word, I was thrilled. I was going to be part of this beautiful world. She strapped me into my harness and walked me out through “The Door” for the first time.

Oh, behind “The Door” was a vast area to explore; lots of dark corners to investigate. But, I didn’t have time! I needed to get out there. In the white world where every dark squirrel, every chubby pigeon were so easy to spot. My human opened another door. I held my breath. My excitement grew………….

And then………… I was outside! In the snow! Magnificent! I was ankle deep in this white fluffy stuff. With a yelp I jumped up in the air. All four paws at once! Brrrrrrr, it was cold!! My female human giggled and picked me up.

“Ah, little guy, is it too cold for you?”

“You think?!” I glared at her, but who can stay mad at her? She has such a sweet face. Gently, I tapped her on the cheek and licked her nose.

With a grin on her face, my human brought me back inside of our apartment. With a sigh of relief, I jumped out of her arms and onto the bed and dove under the covers. It was dark and very cozy there. Purring, I realized, I was quite happy to observe the outside world from my warm place in front of the window. I like my warm radiator and cozy bed covers!