The game “catch me if you can” never gets old. We play it everyday. We run around and try to catch each other! I get more exercise now. Now that my canine sister-Rosie is getting bigger it’s even more fun. I start with tapping her on the cheek. I sometimes get my nails caught in her long curls and then we dance around the apartment for a while.
Once I pull my nails loose, I run away and she tries to catch me. But, with my small body, I can hide under the couch, or armour where only her nose fits.
I have to admit though, she does catch me sometimes and then with her great big paw she gives me a playful tap on my head or belly. I giggle and roll around. Then I nip at her heels and we start all over again.
We have also taught each other a thing or two. That would not have happened, had we not lived together. We would not have learnt form each other. Remember we are made from a different cloth altogether. Sloppy canine- elegant feline. But I have to admit, having a canine sister is not so bad after all. Actually it can be quite useful! And, very entertaining.
Rosie has taught me to beg! I watch her and I have to admit, she is good. She stares the humans down, cocks her head, gives a paw and opens her mouth in a silly grin. She is really cut and more times than not does she gets what she wants. She also puts her paw into her empty dish and throws it upside down to tell our human that she needs water of food. I did that one time and…… it worked like a charm. My female human came running and gave me a treat while she talked to me in a soft apologetic voice! Amazing!
I’ve taught her to be a bit more finicky with her food. If it is to dry, I’ve taught her to just sit in front of her bowl and look up to our human with sad eyes. And…our female human will go get some more of her favorite food and add it to her bowl. Totally awesome!
The days are full with fun and games! Even though I still take the time to take naps and watch the birds outside.
At the end of a busy day, we both find a place to rest and relax. Once in a while, Rosie comes and gives me a big, slobbery lick up the side of my head. Ah well, she is still an uncouth puppy, but she is my uncouth puppy and my BFF.