Happy New Year to all my friends; humans and felines alike. My attention was else where for a while. I have been absorbed in one big event over the last few weeks.
SNOW! It snowed! It is so beautiful. Wow, I really enjoy watching the snow from my window. Sitting on the warm radiator I look out and start purring as I think back to the first time I saw snow. I was very excited and leaned out of the window to try to catch the flakes.
It was so picturesque. The snow quietly covered the green grass until it was green no more. It covered the tops of the cars and the roofs of the houses. It covered the branches in the trees and the grey streets. It was magic. Everything turned white!
And then, the street lights came on, and the world started to sparkle……… like little diamonds. A cat could get used to such beauty.
The white flakes covered every surface and I could see the dark-haired squirrels and fat birds much better. Mmmmm, my eyes darted back and forth and my tail started to sweep back and forth as well; this was exhilarating. I dashed from one window to the other – my excitement grew!
Oops, there goes a plant. Because I‘m still young, my co-ordination skills are sometimes lacking.
One day, when it had snowed a lot, I told my female human how wonderful I thought it all was. She smiled and asked me if I wanted to play in it. Naïve as I was, I nodded. I could not utter a word, I was thrilled. I was going to be part of this beautiful world. She strapped me into my harness and walked me out through “The Door” for the first time.
Oh, behind “The Door” was a vast area to explore; lots of dark corners to investigate. But, I didn’t have time! I needed to get out there. In the white world where every dark squirrel, every chubby pigeon were so easy to spot. My human opened another door. I held my breath. My excitement grew………….
And then………… I was outside! In the snow! Magnificent! I was ankle deep in this white fluffy stuff. With a yelp I jumped up in the air. All four paws at once! Brrrrrrr, it was cold!! My female human giggled and picked me up.
“Ah, little guy, is it too cold for you?”
“You think?!” I glared at her, but who can stay mad at her? She has such a sweet face. Gently, I tapped her on the cheek and licked her nose.
With a grin on her face, my human brought me back inside of our apartment. With a sigh of relief, I jumped out of her arms and onto the bed and dove under the covers. It was dark and very cozy there. Purring, I realized, I was quite happy to observe the outside world from my warm place in front of the window. I like my warm radiator and cozy bed covers!